Ashton Virgin Sun Grown (VSG)

Ashton Virgin Sun Grown (VSG) is world renowned for its rich, authentic taste and aroma. A hearty profile of leather, earth, espresso, and black pepper culminates in an alluring full-bodied finish in an excellent collection of shapes. Ashton VSG is rated 94 points and has placed in Cigar Aficionado’s “Top 10 Cigars of the Year” on five occasions. Indulge in a classic cigar that set the benchmark for strong Dominican cigars with its debut in 1999.

Ashton Symmetry

Ashton Symmetry is drawn from an intricate blend of Dominican and Nicaraguan tobaccos beneath a glimmering reddish-brown Habano Rosado wrapper leaf fermented for optimal flavor. Complex tasting notes of cedar, cinnamon, coffee bean, dried fruit, and Turkish fig supplement an ample zest with a touch of sweetness around the edges. Following its premiere, Ashton Symmetry scored 94 points and a ranking in Cigar Aficionado’s “Top 10 Cigars of the Year.” The remarkably Cubanesque cigar has become a fast classic.

La Aroma de Cuba Noblesse

World-renowned cigar-makers Pepin and Jaime Garcia blend a rare and opulent masterpiece from the finest premium tobaccos. An alluring and dark San Andrés Oscuro wrapper leaf embraces coveted reserves of vintage Nicaraguan long-fillers harvested on Garcia family estates in Estelí, Jalapa, and Namanji. Every leaf of binder, filler, and wrapper matures during a patient triple fermentation to achieve optimal flavor and aroma. Noblesse is meticulously rolled in entubado fashion and finished with a traditional Cuban-style triple cap.

La Aroma de Cuba Reserva

A robust profile of sweetened hickory, dark chocolate, black pepper, espresso, and leather converges in a 94-rated cigar masterfully blended from a select recipe of tobaccos. La Aroma de Cuba Reserva is handmade from a San Andrés Oscuro wrapper aged to achieve an oily sheen over a hearty blend of select Garcia family tobaccos grown in Nicaragua. A peppery, substantial finish delivers immense taste and aroma.

San Cristobal

The original San Cristobal blend debuted in 2007. A lustrous Ecuador Habano Oscuro wrapper leaf harbors a deep interior of premium Nicaraguan binder and filler tobaccos. Bold, captivating flavors of dark chocolate, espresso, black cherry, walnut, and black pepper culminate in a potent but balanced finish in a collection of popular shapes. San Cristobal is a 93-rated Nicaraguan classic.

San Cristobal Ovation

A rare profile arrives with marvelous density and balance in San Cristobal Ovation. An oily San Andrés wrapper is fermented for an extended period until a shimmering Oscuro complexion is achieved. Beneath it lies an ample interior of premium Nicaraguan binder and filler tobaccos grown on private Garcia family estates. Decadent notes of hickory, dark chocolate, cedar, and maple emerge before a creamy finish resonates.

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