Ashton White Ceramic Ashtray

Share a premium cigar with your companions over an elegant Ashton White Ceramic Ashtray. The classic shape accommodates three or four cigars with a generous ash dish in a soft eggshell-white finish. The shimmering gold Ashton logo reflects the brand’s pristine reputation for quality and taste.

Ashton Black Ceramic Ashtray

The Ashton Black Ceramic Ashtray accommodates three or four cigars in a traditional shape. Generous dimensions welcome fellow cigar lovers to join you for a fine cigar. Furnish your favorite smoking room with a classic black-and-gold finish from a world-renowned brand.

Ashton Small Cigars Cameroon

Ashton Small Cigars Cameroon reflect the classic profile of premium Ashton taste in a popular collection of traditional cigarillos. A Cameroon wrapper leaf harbors premium Dominican fillers in a series of bestselling small shapes. Zesty notes of nutmeg, cedar, cocoa, and black pepper culminate with a silky aroma.

Ashton Small Cigars Connecticut

Ashton Small Cigars Connecticut deliver a creamy profile of almond, cashew, and coffee bean with a touch of spice in a series of small formats. A well-blended medley of Dominican and Cameroon tobaccos rests beneath a Connecticut Shade wrapper leaf. Silky, satisfying, and consistent flavor emerges.


Ashton Classic is the original Ashton blend. Three and a half decades after its debut, seasoned cigar lovers and new connoisseurs relish the creamy, mild, and silky taste Ashton Classic delivers. A golden-blond Connecticut Shade wrapper envelops a premium recipe of Dominican binder and filler tobaccos aged for three-to-four-year minimums. Notes of cedar, cashew, almond, and coffee bean layer the palate with a touch of signature Dominican spice in a 92-rated profile.


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