San Cristobal 5-Cigar Assortment

Five exceptional premium Nicaraguan cigars, blended by José ‘Pepin’ Garcia, populate a versatile collection from San Cristobal. The 95-rated Quintessence, 93-rated Revelation, and 91-rated Elegancia join two bestselling sizes of the 93-rated original San Cristobal. Savor an impressive assortment finished in Ecuador Habano, Ecuador Connecticut, and Ecuador Sumatra wrappers from one today’s greatest cigar-makers.

San Cristobal Fresh Pack Sampler

Five bestselling, top-rated San Cristobal cigars comprise an impressive and convenient sampler in a resealable sleeve with a self-humidifying membrane. Because Fresh Packs stay fresh for one year unopened and 90 days after the first use, they’re ideal for traveling and as gifts for your favorite aficionados.


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