San Cristobal ‘Paradise’ Assortment
Savor the nuances of premium Nicaraguan taste in five classic cigars, including the 95-rated San Cristobal Quintessence, 91-rated Elegancia, 93-rated Revelation, and the original 93-rated San Cristobal blend with a reliable Jetline Double Torch Lighter. Surprise your favorite aficionado with a medium to full-bodied assortment guaranteed to impress.
Product Details
Sampler includes:
1 - San Cristobal Revelation (6.25 x 52)
1 - San Cristobal Elegancia (6 x 52)
1 - San Cristobal Quintessence (5.5 x 50)
1 - San Cristobal Revelation (5 x 54)
1 - San Cristobal Clasico (5 x 50)
1 - Jetline Double Torch Lighter