Giving Back

Our origins in Philadelphia date back to 1898. We have established substantial roots over the course of generations and are proud to call Philly our home. We are passionate about giving back to the community that has given us so much through the years.
We support local organizations dedicated to breaking the cycles of poverty and homelessness, promoting health and education, ending hunger and food insecurity, and the prevention of animal cruelty. To advocate these causes, we partner with non-profit organizations committed to uplifting those less fortunate in the Philly community. Our charitable contributions include Project Home, Philabundance, MANNA, Caring for Friends, Vetri Community Partnership, the PSPCA (Pennsylvania Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals), and many others. Working with charitable institutions whose humanitarian impact is significant is central to our philanthropic efforts.

In addition to our local initiatives, a cause near and dear to our hearts is the Cigar Family Charitable Foundation. The organization is founded by our partners, the Fuente Family, and is dedicated to giving back to the community in the Dominican Republic where our cigars are made.
The Cigar Family Charitable Foundation (CFCF) provides humanitarian support for the Bonao region of the Dominican Republic. The underdeveloped and impoverished community once lacked many basic resources. The CFCF provides Bonao with running water, a primary and secondary school, a medical center, an organic farming program, and a sports and recreational facility. Children and families who once lived in dire conditions now have access to essential resources, including clean drinking water, electricity, healthcare, and education. Residents of the community have been uplifted from hopeless circumstances to a healthier, more optimistic life with an opportunity to succeed.
The Cigar Family Charitable Foundation is recognized by the United Nations as a global model for education and community service. The foundation’s school boasts the highest test scores in the region and a zero percent dropout rate. Ashton has been a proud supporter of the Cigar Family Charitable Foundation since the organization’s inception in 2001.